Thank you for your interest in our church! We understand that all churches are not the same and vary in their style of worship and as such, we have provided answers to commonly asked questions about our church services. If your question is not listed below, please feel free to email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
What happens at your church?
Our worship service consists of singing hymns, a reading of God’s Word, preaching, prayer, Bible class and Sunday School for children. We also have small groups and special occasions that include choirs, meals, seminars, adult baptisms, and similar events.
What does your church believe?
Please read our statement of faith:
What happens after the service?
Many linger for fellowship. This is how we share our Godly love and strengthen our relationship with God. Fellowship does not stop after the service, many families host small groups for further fellowship and worship in the comfort of our homes.
What if I don’t believe the same as you and I just want to check it out?
Please come and listen to God’s Word expressed through a sermon, a Bible class lesson or Sunday school. All are welcome and encouraged to come.
Is there a dress code at your church? What should I wear?
You are welcome to come just as you are. There is not a dress code, per se. The attire worn by most people is on the formal side. You may review pictures on our web site if you wish to “fit in”. It is more important to come with a heart that is open to what the Lord has to say to you.
Why do people sing at your gatherings?
Praising God through songs are ways of lifting up His name. He alone is always worthy of our praise. Click here to view the hymns we sing.
Why do you baptize adults and not children?
We believe that baptism is for those alone who have repented and believed on Jesus Christ, and have experienced a spiritual rebirth. This cannot be experienced by babies or young children, due to their lack of maturity.Acts 2:38 “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”
Are you going to ask me for money?
Donations are always welcomed, but never asked or pressured. There is an offering box at the back of church that is available. There is no outright ask for any money because we believe that any donation should be on a freewill basis. Matthew 6:4 “that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly.”
How can I learn more about God’s plan for my life?
Please visit and meet with any Brother or Sister of the congregation. We are all open to discuss our faith and how to share such God given love and salvation.
How can we pray for you?
Please send any prayer requests to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You will receive a reply within about 7 days. We have a prayer service every 3 months, but we also confide in our Brothers and/or Sisters of the congregation to ask for prayer in difficult times or temptations. Prayer is an effective way to access God’s power in our lives.
I don’t live near Kitchener. Is there a way I can participate?
We have churches throughout the World, and also online is you wish to listen to a choir or sermon. Our live streaming service is ideal for those who would like to check us out and for those not able to travel to church. Also, you are welcome to forward your prayer requests to us. We would be honoured to pray for you even if you are unable to attend.
I’m interested, where do I start?
You can start by joining us in person, or by online streaming, or contacting us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please come and learn from the Word of God together with us, praising God in singing, in prayer, and reading from His Word.
Where can I park?
We are thankful to have ample room in our parking lot for most services. On some very special occasions we may see an overflow on the neighbouring streets.
I already go to a church. Should I start coming here instead?
Coming to church is only one way of worship. Being a part of the message and fellowship among believers keeps our hearts focussed on God’s purpose for us. We encourage all believers to pray about where God would have them attend church and follow His guidance at all times.
Can someone show me around?
Yes! New faces are welcome and are always warmly greeted. We would be pleased to show you around at your convenience. We hope you feel at home here. Please visit us for a tour of the building or contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Does your church welcome people from different racial groups?
Absolutely and without exception. We believe that God created everyone in the human race as equal, in the image of God Himself regardless of the place of one’s birth or ethnic origin. Unquestionably everyone is welcome. It is our prayer that everyone would experience God’s blessings here.
Do you have something for youth?
We have been blessed with many youth that gather most Saturday evenings at 7:30PM to enjoy a time of fellowship and the study of what the Bible says about issues that are relevant to their age group. Our youth also enjoy a variety of activities such as singing for the elderly and other events that are appealing to an active younger group.
Will my children be welcome?
All children are welcome to learn in a safe and comfortable environment, embracing the Word of God. All children are excited to be there. They will develop friendship through the fellowship and family atmosphere.
I still have questions. Who can I ask?
Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you choose to provide your telephone number we will attempt to call you within about 7 days. We would also be glad to communicate via e-mail if that is your preference.
“Come unto me…and I will give you rest.” – Jesus, Matthew 11:28.
We look forward to seeing you or hearing from you soon!