Christian Fellowship Group

"To know Christ, have fellowship with Him, to make Him known"

Bible Reading

The Christian Fellowship Group (CFG) provides an avenue for people of all ages to interact with the same and opposite sex while learning biblical principles.  Not only does it allow those involved to learn to interact with others with differing view points, it also provides an opportunity to work together with other Apostolic Christian Churches and with groups assisting in humantarian purposes.  Keep in mind that although CFG is not a regular church service, it still provides the environment for everyone to grow in their spiritual life and learn more on various biblical topics.  

Regular Schedule

Every Saturday from 7:30 - 8:30PM, the CFG meets at our church for a variety of activities (see below).  On some weekends, day activities will be planned during Saturday afternoon.  Following the CFG activity, everyone is welcome to stay for refreshments and fellowship.  Below is a general outline of the CFG schedule.  To find out more details about a particular event, click on the link below.


All are encouraged to come to the prayer meeting at church which begins at 6:45PM to pray for various personal and family needs as well as others in the CFG.

Before the main CFG activity starts for the evening, the group will sing for approximately 15 minutes from the various song books.

Usually planned for once a month, a member of the church will present a topic that usually relates to the CFG theme of the year or something that pertains to growth of one's character in a godly manner.

Occasionally, an out of town speaker may present a topic with a specific focus and how those in the CFG can benefit from applying the knowledge in their lives.

Group discussions can be done with the whole CFG or split between guys and girls.  Discussions allow for more direct participation and involvement from the CFG and usually follow a particular theme.

There are a number of activities that can range from seniors sharing, encouragement night, awareness dinners, praise & instrumental nights and outdoor activities.  Sign up on the mailing list to find out more details about each weeks activity.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Question: How do I know what's going on for CFG?

    A weekly email is sent out to everyone in the CFG with details of the upcoming event. You can subscribe by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or clicking the button below.
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Question: What do I need to bring to CFG?

    Each family is asked to bring one item for refreshments following the activity (eg chips, cookies, dessert, drinks, etc). On some special events, no refreshments are required.
  • Question: What are offnights / day activities?

    Offnight is a casual evening (usually at someone's house) where the youth can hang out together, play games and enjoy good fellowship. Day activities usually take place on Saturday afternoon and include things like hiking, sports activities, fundraisers, etc.


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