Welcome to " IZLAZAK" page
You are invited to join us for a weekend of singing and fellowship on October 12th and 13th 2024 at 1880 Strasburg Rd. Kitchener Ontario
Recording event from "Zbirka" book (Serbian language version)
Directed by Brother Doug Demiter of Medina OH congregation
Piano by Brother Nolan Boronka of Avon Rd. Kitchener congregation
Time: 2pm 
  • With the Lord's help we would like to start recording at 2 pm sharp on Saturday (please arrive early to avoid disturbance once recording starts)
  • The plan is to record approximately 15 songs for roughly 60 minutes of playing time on a CD
  • This most likely will take over two hours to complete
  • After the recording is completed, we will provide a meal for all in attendance
  • Following the meal, plan is to continue singing from Zbirka book into the evening
Notes to Guests:
Please bring your own singing books (Zbirka and Gospel Hymns) if you have them and write your name on them in case that you leave them behind. Please feel free to share this invitation with others
Contact Danilo @ 519-722-3220 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions.
Since many of those attending are staying with relatives in Kitchener, extra housing is very limited, so it will be up the rest of attendees to take care of this part on their own. For anyone who needs housing, please sign up below.
Campsite Option:
For the younger guests though, there will be plenty of room to pitch a tent on Bozic's property with access to showers and toilets in the house. We will have one area reserved for guys and one for girls(no mixed sleeping allowed please). For all of those who decide to stay in tents at Bozic's, breakfast will also be provided. If you need a tent, please contact Danilo Bozic (519-722-3220) and he will provide one for you (most likely will be shared with others). You must bring your own sleeping bag as we do not have many. Those who decide to camp out are also welcome to stay until Monday(breakfast will be provided).
Sunday Lunch:
All out of town guests who do not make arrangements with local believers for Sunday lunch are invited at Bozic's for lunch.
Sunday Evening:
All (locals and out of town guests) are invited for an evening of singing at Bozic's after the regular singing service in church is done. This will be a general sing (Gospel Hymns or similar) for all. Refreshments and drinks will be provided.


  • General Registration




  • Refreshments signup (Kitchener Locals)

    Click Here to signup to bring refreshments